Kenney Jam 2023


It's almost time for Kenney Jam 2023 for which I'm trying to submit a game. I did so for the 2022 edition.
There's only 2 days for this Jam to think of a game idea, gameplay and built. Assets is not an issue as we are able to use the massive ammount of available Kenney Assets.
Only 48 hours is not much at all and I am a solo-developer. This will mean games will be short.

The game: "Grow Your Corn!" (Theme: Growth) was submitted and was rated 60th of the 299 submissions with 10 ratings.
It had bugs, performance issues but I was able to submit something. It was my very first game I classified: ready.
The first day was used to come up with the game idea and gameplay.
It is built in Godot 3.4 and I built for Windows only.

This time, I will use Godot 4.1 and plan to built for HTML5, Windows and macOS.
I feel running the game in a browser will have a larger group of people playing it and able to rate it.
We are now awaiting the Theme which will be announced on July 22nd.


Get Oscar the Explorer

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